You deserve it.
We all know the dreaded feeling of burnout; it’s no fun and needs to be avoided! Self-care is vital for fueling your energy reserves to continue being awesome. Being busy is no excuse to neglect yourself; if anything, it requires even more self-care.
In this post, I’m going to share 25 self-care ideas for busy entrepreneurs from my own experiences and those of my awesome readers!
I hope you find something that helps build your self-care habit and gets you back on track!
Self-care ideas for busy entrepreneurs:
1. Start a gratitude journal
Gratitude is the key to happiness, and we all need more of it in our lives! Gratitude can take many forms, such as writing a list of things we’re grateful for, taking time to be mindful and appreciate the little things, and thinking before we speak.
2. Go to bed early
Busy entrepreneurs often don’t get enough sleep which can affect your mood, focus, and productivity levels. To improve all this, start going to bed earlier, so you get the recommended 7-9 hours of sleep.
3. Prepare for the next day
Preparing your outfit and breakfast is a great way to start your morning off on the right foot, setting you up nicely for the day ahead. You can also set out any work that needs to be done with plenty of time to spare before it’s due.
4. Take some time to relax
Relaxation is vital for busy entrepreneurs as it’s an important part of self-care and recharges our energy levels after a long day at work. This could be anything from practicing mindfulness or meditation to taking a bath, speaking to friends, or having a snooze!
It’s your choice how you relax, just make sure you do!
5. Unsubscribe from emails
Unsubscribing from some less important or more spammy newsletters can save some time and help reduce clutter, freeing up valuable brain space to focus on what matters most. By unsubscribing, I don’t mean ‘Don’t buy anything, I’m talking about newsletters you don’t read.
6. Take out 5mins each day to meditate
Being distracted is an expected part of being a busy entrepreneur, but our brains need time to rest, recover and be calm. Meditation can help with this, so take 5 minutes each day to sit or lay in silence with your eyes closed and focus on your breathing.
7. Get dressed
Getting dressed is often the last thing we do at night, but it’s essential for starting our day off positively, if only by setting intentions like ‘I want today to be fun’ or ‘Today I will meet someone new.’
8. Put your phone down
It’s easy to become addicted to our smartphones and checking them constantly can be a significant distraction that costs us productivity. To work on this, try putting your phone down during set times each day or put it on silent with the notifications turned off.
9. Eat mindfully
Overcome mindless eating that can come from stress and lack of time by taking the time to eat mindfully. This means sitting down with your favorite meal and not watching TV or reading a book, just enjoying it with all your senses.
10. Exercise
Exercise is vital for our physical and mental health so make sure you exercise every week, even just a quick walk or jog. It doesn’t have to be an hour in the gym every day to see physical benefits, so find something that works for you and try to do it regularly.
11. Have some ‘me time.’
Having some me-time is crucial so don’t neglect yourself and try to do something you love every day, whether that’s reading a book, having coffee with friends, or watching your favorite film.
12. Be ambitious
Ambition is essential for busy entrepreneurs as it encourages us to work hard and stay focused on our goals, but there are some problems with this, so try not to be too ambitious. Ambition can lead to stress, anxiety, and depression if we’re not careful or don’t know how to manage it.
13. Take time off
We all deserve some time off for much-needed breaks now and again, so make sure you schedule this in your diary. Don’t use up all your holiday allowance in one go either; save some to be used later.
14. Don’t overwork yourself
This is a big problem for entrepreneurs who can get into the mindset that they need to be constantly working, and it’s a bad habit to get into, which reduces our productivity and quality of work. Accept downtime as well as work time and try not to overwork yourself.
15. Say no
If a request comes in you don’t want to say ‘no’ to, don’t be afraid! It can be challenging, but it’s important to protect your health and wellbeing by saying no here and there.
16. Don’t compare yourself with others
We all compare ourselves to others, whether it’s consciously or not, but this can lead us to think our work isn’t good enough, which is never the case. Stop comparing by accepting that everyone has a different path in life and just getting on with your own thing.
17. Don’t take yourself too seriously
Being too serious about everything we do is an entrepreneur habit that can make us and those around us unhappy and anxious. Take yourself less seriously, and things will become a lot easier.
18. Do some planning
If you’re always busy, then there’s no time to stop and plan or consider upcoming projects, but planning does help to reduce stress, improve productivity, and give us more of a sense of achievement.
19. Do some housekeeping
Looking after your home or workspace is essential for having somewhere you enjoy spending time in that’s organized, presentable and comfortable. Check your emails (urgent ones only), return phone calls (if you want to), and only answer the door when you’re ready.
20. Enjoy nature
Connecting with nature is a great way to relax, unwind and feel more significant than ourselves, which we all need in our busy lives. Even 10 minutes in nature can make you feel better! Try going for a walk or sitting in your favorite spot.
21. Have sometimes every day
It’s easy to forget about ourselves when we’re busy but taking some ‘me time’ each day is essential, even if it’s just 10 minutes. This could be as simple as sitting down with a cup of tea, listening to music, or spending time with your favorite pet.
22. Take care of yourself physically
Self-care can involve looking after we physically and mentally, which means eating healthily, exercising regularly, and drinking lots of water to keep ourselves healthy and hydrated. Treat yourself now and again, though. We all deserve it!
23. Set goals and reward yourself when you achieve them
Setting goals is an essential part of life, especially for entrepreneurs who need to know where they’re going and what they need to keep working towards. Try rewarding yourself along the way by taking time out or giving yourself something nice once you’ve met a goal.
24. Get enough sleep
We all love our coffee and energy drinks to help us get through the day, but if you’re not getting enough sleep, it will seriously affect your productivity, wellbeing, and ability to stay healthy. Try going to bed half an hour earlier every night until you’ve reached your goal.
Thanks for reading! What do you find to be the most important self-care tips?
We hope you found these self-care ideas helpful and inspiring.