Mold in your home is not only ugly, it’s also dangerous to you and your family’s health. Black mold, in particular, can cause coughing, headaches, and even chronic fatigue. Professional mold removal is expensive. According to HomeGuide, professional removal costs…
Healthy Smile or Damaged Mouth?
It is commonly heard from dentists and orthodontists that a beautiful smile is a healthy smile. But is this true? Most of us are familiar with braces, retainers, and standard orthodontic care but are not aware of the potential side…
Top Strategies to Make Spring Cleaning Your Kitchen a Fun and Successful Project
I think we all agree that a healthy well being requires a clean and organized domain. So, has rearranging your kitchen cabinets remained on your to-do list forever? Do you always seem to be unable to find the one specific…
10 Things To Do When You’re Overwhelmed
-If you are reading this, then I assume that at one point or another, you have felt overwhelmed to the point of not being able to breathe. It is okay. This feeling is perfectly normal. The most important thing to…
The Art of Self-Care: A Guide for Women Who Have Lost Hope
Let us look at how women are impacted by self-care today. When you consider that the average woman in America will spend more time taking care of her home and family than she will have spent in obtaining formal education,…
Keeping Up with Your Fitness Goal in the New Year
The new year is a time many people make resolutions and goals to better themselves either physically or mentally. A popular resolution is fitness-related: to lose weight, tone up, and be healthier in the long run. The new year brings…