Anxiety is a natural feeling that everyone gets at some point in their lives. However, when you feel anxious, it can be exhausting and overwhelming. Here are ten simple things to do when you’re stressed out to help you unwind.
1. Have a bath
Take the time to indulge in a long, warm bath. Add some aromatic oils if you want, light candles if allowed, put on your favorite music instead of the radio, or even have no music. This is a fantastic way to relax and let your thoughts pass you.
2. Read a book
Take refuge from the world in a book. It can be any genre; it doesn’t have to be your usual fare – you need the printed words on the paper and somewhere quiet to sit down for half an hour or so.
3. Go for a walk
Getting out of the house and breathing in some fresh air is something that everybody needs to do from time to time, especially when stressed. A brisk thirty-minute walk can be refreshing, so if you have somewhere nice near you or somewhere with some calming scenery, pack your iPod and go for it!
4. Drink a cup of tea
Preferably green tea as the benefits are numerous, but it’s your call what you have. A hot beverage can soothe and settle you down after a stressful day or week, so sit back and enjoy it.
5. Watch an episode of your favorite TV show
Although this one might not be as effective if you’ve seen every episode, if something simple will allow you to relax, then why not?
6. Take a nap
This is another excellent way to unwind and relax your mind for half an hour. It might even really help if you have insomnia! Just put on some lulling music and take yourself off to dreamland.
7. Do some arts and crafts
Take out your old magazines, get out the glue sticks, find your favorite pair of scissors and create something beautiful! You can either save it or rip it up once you’re finished, so don’t mess it up while you’re making it. If this is too messy for you, grab a cup of tea and try your hand at an adult coloring book.
8. Speak to someone you love
If you have a friend who makes you laugh or if there’s somebody else in your life whom you can talk to about anything, it might be a good idea to give them a call. They don’t have to be up at 2 am if your phone; you can speak whenever it works. You could even send a letter in the post or email them, something more traditional is always lovely! The benefit of this one is that it’s completely free!
9. Go for a drive
When many people feel stressed, they want to get in their car and go somewhere else immediately, so this is a good tip for when you’re in that situation! You could open Google Maps and have a look at some nearby places if you don’t know where to go, or you could plan out your route in advance (this is especially good for people who like taking photos of the journey).
Just make sure you’re somewhere safe before you put your foot down.
The key to feeling relaxed is finding what works for you.
What are some of your favorite ways to unwind when you’re feeling stressed? Share them with us in the comments below!